Five Presidents 2016 Book Tour–With Secret Service Agent Clint Hill

Clint Hill and Lisa McCubbin thumbClint Hill and I are counting down the days to the release of our latest collaboration, FIVE PRESIDENTS: My Extraordinary Journey with Eisenhower, Kennedy, Johnson, Nixon, and Ford, on sale May 3.  Our 2016 nationwide book tour begins in New York City May 2. Seating and tickets for most events are limited, and some have already sold out.

Having worked with legendary Secret Service agent Clint Hill for the past six years, I have seen how beloved he is around the world and how many people want to meet him, hear his remarkable stories in person, and have the opportunity to shake his hand.  Now age 84, Clint Hill has agreed to do one more book tour. If you have always wanted to meet this incredible man—a man many consider a hero, and a national treasure—this is your chance.  Clint Hill is the last surviving person who was in the presidential vehicle that fateful day in Dallas, Texas when President John F. Kennedy was assassinated.

Listen up—the time is now.  Seating and tickets for most events are limited, and some have already sold out. This is the full schedule. People keep asking if we are coming to other cities. The answer is… most likely, no.  This is it, people. If you want to meet Clint Hill, find a way to one of the scheduled book talks. Click on the links for details as each event is different. Some events require tickets and/or book purchase. (No in person meetings at radio and TV interviews). We hope to see you along the way!home-fivepresidents-cvr


8:30 AM “Imus in the Morning”  WABC-AM

9:30 AM “Opie Radio” Sirius XM Radio

7:00 PM  Barnes & Noble Upper West Side–Talk and Book signing

Tuesday, MAY 3

9:00 AM “Today Show” with Willie Geist

12:00 PM “Personally Speaking” WOR-AM


University of Virginia, Center for Politics

5:00 – 6:00 PM Book Signing

6:30 – 8:00 PM Lisa McCubbin interviews Secret Service agent Clint Hill followed by Q&A

8:00 – 9:00 PM  Book Signing

Saturday, MAY 7 – WASHINGTON, DC

2:30 – 4:30 PM  Newseum – Clint Hill & Lisa McCubbin discuss Five Presidents and book signing

Monday, MAY 9 – DALLAS, TX

7:00 PM  Sixth Floor Museum at Dealey Plaza – Clint Hill & Lisa McCubbin discuss Five Presidents and book signing

Wednesday, MAY 11 – ATLANTA, GA

7:00 PM  Carter Presidential Library – Clint Hill & Lisa McCubbin discuss Five Presidents and book signing

Thursday, MAY 12 – BUFFALO, NY

5:30 PM Larkin Square Author Series – Clint Hill & Lisa McCubbin discuss Five Presidents and book signing

Monday, MAY 16 – DEARBORN, MI

7:00 PM  Henry Ford Museum – Clint Hill & Lisa McCubbin discuss Five Presidents 

This event may already be sold out. Over 700 tickets sold!

Wednesday, MAY 18 – NAPERVILLE, IL 

7:00 PM  Anderson’s Bookshop – Clint Hill & Lisa McCubbin discuss Five Presidents and book signing

Offsite Event at Community Christian Church

Thursday, MAY 19 – ST. LOUIS, MO

7:00 PM  Missouri History Museum – Clint Hill & Lisa McCubbin discuss Five Presidents and book signing

Wednesday, MAY 25 – LA JOLLA, CA

7:30 PM  Warwick’s Books – Clint Hill & Lisa McCubbin discuss Five Presidents and book signing

Monday, JUNE 6 – SEATTLE, WA

7:00 PM Elliott Bay Book Company – Clint Hill & Lisa McCubbin discuss Five Presidents and book signing


1:00 PM  Book Passage – Clint Hill & Lisa McCubbin discuss Five Presidents and book signing


Norsk Hostfest

Daily – Clint Hill & Lisa McCubbin present Five Presidents. Two book signings daily.

THE END. Time for a vacation! 😉


  1. Moira on April 23, 2016 at 10:45 pm

    We will try to catch you in Atlanta!
    So excited!

    • Lisa McCubbin on April 24, 2016 at 1:29 am

      Email me.

      • Linda S. Turner on May 6, 2016 at 7:20 am

        Miss McCubbin, Do you have a mailing address or a email address for Mr. Hill? I have read his books and would just like to thank him for the service that he gave my country. My husband was a 38 year army pilot with 2 years in Viet Nan and I think he to has some things buried deep inside that he will not talk about . PTSS was an un known thing back then. To bad as so many soldiers could have been helped then. I do hope that this message will reach you. I assure you that my email to Mr. Hill will no way invade his privacy. We live in the Birmingham area and I don’t know if I can get to Atlanta for the book signing on May 11 or not.

  2. John Ahlquist on April 23, 2016 at 10:46 pm

    Hi Lisa,

    The announcement title lists four presidents – Johnson is missing.

    Have a good trip.


    • Lisa McCubbin on April 24, 2016 at 1:29 am

      Thank you! This is why we need editors.

  3. Jeff Cain on April 24, 2016 at 5:15 am

    Vacation , may I suggest Ireland ? I can get you on the most popular talk show we have here 😀 , if that’s a no go , how about Las Vegas on Chiristmas , mainly due to it being my vacation this year 😀 (is it obvious I am a fan ???? )

  4. Gary Fellows on April 24, 2016 at 10:02 pm

    I’ve got tickets for the event on 7 May in Washington. I’m retired USAF and would like to thank Mr. Hill for his service to this country! I’d be honored if I could possibly get a picture with Mr. Hill!


  5. Heather Hicks on May 3, 2016 at 4:29 pm

    How cool is this? Looks awesome. I am currently reading Theodore Roosevelt and the Making of American Leadership. Love any stories on Presidents, I am a history and political buff so I love it all. The book I am reading is by Jon Knokey, he tells a fantastic story of Teddy and his life and leadership of our country.

  6. Judy on May 5, 2016 at 9:25 pm

    So glad I was able to attend the UVA talk. What a treasure. I could have listened to several more hours of stories.

  7. Deb Hodges on May 9, 2016 at 9:30 am

    Having seen the promo for this over a month ago – put it on my calendar. I have watched several TV segments with Mr. Hill and have been truly touched.
    I responded to something to say I was coming but, alas, now cannot find it 😱 Also, being new to the book signing industry did not know about tickets. In a mad rush, bought tickets online late last night. Sadly, I don’t think it covers Mr. Hill’s lecture. Can you find me on one of your many lists to see if I am there? My grown son, also named Clint, will be joining me. After his father’s death in the OKC bombing, he considered the secret service. Got his law degree and works for Homeland Security. Long story – can you help me sort this out? Thank you so much

  8. Deb Hodges on May 10, 2016 at 9:03 am

    It was so very nice to meet you last night. I enjoyed the signing and hope the rest of your tour is wonderful. Again, thank you.

  9. David McBride on May 11, 2016 at 2:50 am

    Would love to come but I’m a UK resident! Next best thing – I’ve pre-ordered a signed copy from Acapella Books in Georgia. I love American history and politics books so I can’t wait to read this.

  10. Loriann Zello on May 16, 2016 at 1:40 am

    Just got done reading Five Presidents and my son and I had the pleasure of meeting him in San Antonio for a book signing for Five days in November. Wish y’all were coming back to San Antonio. Hope the tour goes well! Stay safe and healthy! Five Pesidents is awesome. Seriously had a hard time putting it down!

  11. Al Carter on May 18, 2016 at 10:06 pm

    Why did Mrs. Kennedy climb out onto the trunk of the car?

    • Lisa McCubbin on May 19, 2016 at 5:20 pm

      The reason is well explained in Five Presidents, Mrs. Kennedy and Me, and Five Days in November. Far better than I could give you the answer here.

    • Lisa McCubbin on June 27, 2016 at 12:56 pm

      Clint Hill addresses this in each of his books. Hope you will read them for a detailed response to your question.

  12. Sandra on May 19, 2016 at 4:46 pm

    I started the Five Presidents the day I received it in the mail and how wonderful of you to want to write along with Mr.Hill. How I would like to have known him personally, but I sure have learned about him now. His dedication to our country is beyond anything I could have thought of. There were some funny times and some very sad times in this book that brought tears to my eyes, but ever so thankful for him. Tell “Dazzle” …..thanks from me and to all Americans. God bless him, his family for sharing him the way they had to endure without him in their life for so long.

  13. Mona A. Pyatt on May 20, 2016 at 2:55 am

    My military father and my family had just returned from a two year post in Germany when President Kennedy was elected. I became engaged with the political process, and, as a high school student, I marveled at Mrs. Kennedy and her calm, self-assured demeanor, and found such joy in watching this family grow. I will never forget August of 1963, nor Nov. 22, 1963, and the days after that. I will always be grateful that in a time of greatest need, you were there. Thank you, sir, for your service to our presidents, and thank you for bringing strength to Mrs. Kennedy at her moments of deepest agony, and, in the days after, as she set a noble example of true courage for her countrymen and all the world. You were a part of a fascinating time in American history. I look forward to reading your book, and I wish you the very best of health and happiness, Mr. Hill. May you know you are a shining hero to many, especially to me. (I could not be at the History Museum tonight, but I am wondering if you were planning to speak again in St. Louis over this lovely weekend.) Thank you, again, Mr. Hill. God bless you now and always.

  14. DAVID WORKMAN on May 22, 2016 at 12:30 pm

    Great to see you and Clint in St. Louis last week! It was wonderful to hear Clint’s story and learn how he was finally able to talk about the events in Dallas after all those years of keeping it bottled up inside. Thanks for giving us some personal insight into history.

  15. Kevin Taggart on May 29, 2016 at 3:17 pm

    Hello Lisa, I would like to send Mr Hill a small gift and note. What address may I use? Is there an address at the publishers I can send mail to? I don’t want to intrude on his privacy, but would like to honor him with a token and note.

  16. Kevin P. Lohan on June 4, 2016 at 1:47 pm

    Will you and Mr. Hill speak or have a book signing at The John F. Kennedy Library and Museum in Boston ?

    • Lisa McCubbin on June 23, 2016 at 2:31 pm

      Unfortunately the JFK Library is not currently on the schedule. Feel free to contact them and perhaps they will invite us!

  17. John Montigny on June 4, 2016 at 2:16 pm

    Hello Lisa: Considering time and the fact that Mr. Hill is 84, you can include only so many cities and book markets on the tour. But for obvious reasons, I am surprised that Boston is not listed as one of the cities on the tour. Or did I miss it? Best wishes to you and Mr. Hill on the tour’s success..

    • Lisa McCubbin on June 27, 2016 at 12:54 pm

      Hi John
      Yes, you are correct – we can only include so many cities and book markets on the tour. It depends on many factors, including travel expense, scheduling, and invitation from the venue. We have visited Boston with two of our previous books and Mr. Hill spoke at the JFK Library in 2011. Unfortunately, it was not on the schedule this time. Thanks for your interest!

  18. Charlotte Farmer on June 12, 2016 at 4:28 am

    I am saddened to hear that Mr. Hill will be doing no more book signings after Minot, ND. I had planned to attend the book signing in Corte Madera but the person who was supposed to help me get there, I have to use two canes to walk, backed out at the last minute and I was unable to to find someone to help me make the event at the Book Passage. I would have been honored to have shaken his hand and to say “thank you” for his years of service to this country. What a blessing you have been in helping to bring Mr. Hill’s story before the public. I am sure age is a factor but oh how I wish he had a few more book signings in his future especially close to Sacramento, CA. Blessings on the both of you.

  19. Sandra Wright on June 16, 2016 at 3:04 pm

    Wanted to thank Mr. Clint Hill for making my work days more pleasant while working for the U.S SECRET SERVICE DURING
    1964 FOR SAIC BOUK and through 1970 while working for SAIC Al Wong office. Have been trying to catch
    Mr. Hill in person to thank him for coming in to my office during those days and bringing his joy. Those were hectic days in Washington, DC during those years and the US Secret staff did an outstanding job in safeguarding the President, VEEP, all WHite House, U.S. Secret Service staff

    • Lisa McCubbin on June 23, 2016 at 2:23 pm

      Hello Sandra I have forwarded your message to Mr. Hill. He will be in touch. Thanks for writing!

    • Harry Kurgans on December 30, 2016 at 9:49 pm

      Dear Mr. Hill,

      I was in sixth grade in 1963.. I remember watching President Eisenhower’s farewell speech on tv.. I watched the inauguration of JFK.. At the age of nine I knew there was something special about him..

      I want to thank you for your incredible service to our country..I can’t imagine how you suffered for so many years.

      Mr. Hill, you are a true hero!!

      With all my best wishes to you and your family..

      Truly Grateful,

      Harry Kurgans

  20. Peter Guerrera on August 10, 2016 at 3:51 pm

    Agent Hill: I was in sixth grade on that terrible day. Now 64 from the moment I understood what happened that day and what you did you have always been a hero to me! I hope I get the chance to meet you someday soon. All the best to you sir.

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