Betty Ford Book Club Discussion Questions
I’m thrilled that so many book clubs are reading BETTY FORD: First Lady, Women’s Advocate, Survivor, Trailblazer and many have asked for some Book Club Discussion Questions. So… here you go!
I’d love to hear from you if your book club is reading Betty Ford. Send your photos and questions to me on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram!
- What did you learn about Betty Ford that you didn’t know before?
- Did you enjoy the book?
- How did Betty’s story make you feel?
- Were there any phases in Betty’s life to which you could particularly relate?
- Do you think you would enjoy being First Lady (or First Gentleman)?
- Did Betty’s story make you think differently about the role of the First Lady?
- Most of us have been touched in some way by alcoholism and/or drug addiction. What did you think about the way the Ford family handled Betty’s addiction to alcohol and prescription drugs? Could you relate?
- Have you ever been involved in an intervention?
- Melania Trump once said that she would be a “traditional” First Lady like Betty Ford or Jacqueline Kennedy. Do you think Betty Ford was “traditional”?
- Share a favorite quote from the book.
- Would you read another book by this author? Why or why not?
- Was there anything you wish the author had delved into more deeply?
- Did this book change your previous perception of President Ford and Betty Ford? If so, in what way?
- What would you say is Betty Ford’s most important legacy?
my book club, The Happy Bookers are reading this book for June. I really liked it…I will use the questions.