Secret Service Agent Clint Hill's Vow
When I first met retired U.S. Secret Service agent Clint Hill 6 1/2 years ago, he told me two things. “I don’t talk to anybody about that day ever,” and, “I will never write a book.”

Clint Hill, April 8, 2016
Two days ago, we received our first copies of Five Presidents: My Extraordinary Journey with Eisenhower, Kennedy, Johnson, Nixon, and Ford.
Clint Hill’s third book. And yes, it includes that day. Never say never.
It was August 2009 when Clint Hill agreed, begrudgingly, to meet me at the Hay Adams Hotel just a short distance from the White House.
“Two hours,” he had said. “I’ll give you two hours.”
I was extremely nervous to meet this man who was known around the world as “the Secret Service agent who jumped on the back of the car” heroically trying to prevent the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. He was now 78-years-old and had not given any in-depth interviews since that infamous 1975 60 Minutes piece called “Special Agent #9” in which he broke down when Mike Wallace probed him about that day.
The only reason he was speaking to me was that I was writing a book with one of his former colleagues, Gerald Blaine, and Blaine had told him he could trust me. But I soon learned that Clint Hill doesn’t trust anyone.
After two hours with him, I must say he didn’t give me much more information than I could have found in any of the countless books written about JFK’s assassination. He spoke calmly, with a measured tone, the voice of a seasoned law enforcement professional. He politely answered my questions, but didn’t offer much in the way of details. I sensed he had built a wall around this part of his past, and no one was going to get in. Not even me.
And then, when I questioned him about the death of President and Mrs. Kennedy’s son Patrick, tears welled in his eyes. He winced, and I realized that his emotions, although they’d been buried deep, were still raw, even all these years later. Nearly 47 years after that day, the memories were as painful as if it had happened only yesterday. I felt compassion for him, and although I didn’t push him to stay longer than the two hours he’d so kindly given, I had a hundred more questions swirling in my mind.
Over the next several months, I called him frequently as I was writing The Kennedy Detail, and slowly he began to open up. Little by little the story came out. It was clear to me that he still suffered from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, and my heart broke for him.
As it turned out, talking, and eventually writing about that day was the therapy Clint Hill had needed all along. It was during the writing of Mrs. Kennedy and Me that I began to see his wonderful sense of humor as he relived the good times he had shared with Jacqueline Kennedy. Once the book was published, as we traveled around the world on the book tour and with speaking engagements, Clint saw how much people wanted and needed to hear his memories.

Lisa McCubbin and Clint Hill at an event in Ravello, Italy. 2012.
He can speak for an hour solid, and you can hear a pin drop in a room filled with 1000 people. He is a riveting storyteller, and people couldn’t get enough. For him, simply telling the stories over and over again set him well on his path to healing.
As it turned out, we were both struggling with our own issues, and writing together has been therapeutic for both of us. It was ironic how we found each other–neither of us searching for help, but finding it in history—his story—history.
Never say never. Three books. That day. And so much more. Five Presidents: My Extraordinary Journey with Eisenhower, Kennedy, Johnson, Nixon, and Ford is on sale May 3. Visit Clint Hill at
You write so well…….I read on and on and want to hear more. Our library already has your new book on order. Eileen Eber
Thank you, Eileen!
When you write a book, you can never tell how long the interest will last. I just discovered “Five Presidents” and am halfway through it. I’ve already decided to look for other works by you.
I’m sure 2016 was an exciting time for you when it was published, but please know that four years later it still sells and is exciting for readers.
Hi Lisa , glad you help Me. Hill come out of his closet. All other person who gave their options were in la la land. Like the movies Parkland and In the Line of Fire also Rick Thorn and Ralph Palmamie, the film’s were fiction and these guys did not know what they were talking about. Mr Hill was there and these men wasn’t t. As Joe Friday said just the the facts mam. Mr. Hill explain the association an these men express their views in theories. Clint knew what happen these what bee’s had no clue.. I read the Kennedy Detail
And that book was awesome and I retrieve the book Four days in November and can’t wait till it reaches our library. Thank you for the great job
You and Clint did in all these books,
John Dobry.
I have read”Five President’s” loved the book and will read it again. I have read “Mrs. Kennedy and Me” twice. Loved it also. I admire this man so much. I wish there was a way to email him and let him know. Jackie Kennedy always fascinated me and I believe I have read every book written about her. I sincerely enjoyed Mr. Hill’s. book.
Hi Janus
You may email Clint at my address and I will happily forward it to him. He does not respond personally to emails as a matter of privacy. My email:
Mr. Hill,
You are such a courageous man. Thank you for your service, not only to the presidents you protected, but to to your country. May God Bless you !
Ms, McCubbin,
Thank you for bringing Mr. Hill’s story to his many admirers and the world in general.
just browsing and came across lisa mcCubbin book with Clint Hill story… I just want to say,, that had I been Jackie Kennedy sitting there in the back seat with the horror of what she was seeing and what she was experiencing,, the one man I would have wanted to join me as the car sped to the hospital.. would be Mr. Clint Hill.. she knew him,, he was her friend and protector,,he knew the family,, was in a large way part of the family,, and I’m so sure as I sit here in N.C. on 7/29/2018 that even tho it had to be very very difficult for this good and dedicated man to experience,, he was the only one that she would feel safe with.. I mourn the fact that Clint Hill punished himself for so many many years.. He was not a super man that day,,he and the other secret servicemen were following the wishes of Pres. Kennedy ” not to ride on the car to protect him ,,so the public could see him..” There is also no way in reality that anyone can totally protect any one when there is an evil mind at work.. Just no way at all,.. No more that one can change the direction of a tornado.. As I cared for my children by the lake I lived on at the time,, I watched every event,, and thru it all,, thru all the reports,, I was so struck by the dedication ,, and attempts Clint Hill made to do all he could to help in such a horrible and drastic situation…Yes,, we all lost that day,, Our friend John Kennedy,, our lovely first family,, our hopes and dreams for the future,, and our innocense… and on this day in 2018 we all feel the horrible loss of hope that was taken when the shots rang out.. I’m just so grateful that Clint Hill was there to protect our first Lady and the mother of John john and carolyn,, and to be a strong force for Jackie in the terror of that back seat.. that November day.. Please tell Clint Hill for me,, that as I sit here in North Carolina this afternoon as I just took loaves of zucchinni bread out of the oven.. sitting here not a young mother anymore ,, but a woman of age now,, {75} I’d like him to accept my deepest “thank You” for doing all he could do that day,, all he could do.. and I so regret he,, jackie,, the kids,, the nation ,, the world ever had to experience EVIL that day,, Evil ,,Evil.. Evil,, and no man,, no person can control what goes thru a persons mind,, that activates their actions,, for the good ,, or for the bad.. that just not possible.. their was Evil among us that beautiful November day,, and neither Clint Hill,, nor any one else nor any scenario one might think of could have changed that horrible outcome… Mr,. Hill,, from the deepest part of my soul and heart,, I Thank You for being the only sensible thing I saw that day,, I cherish my great grand babies,, and if I had to entrust their safety and care to anyone in a bad situation,, I would then,, and I would today,, say “call Clint Hill for me Now ” Blessing to you Clint,,,Blessing to you…
Lisa (If I may call you by your first name):
I regrettably admit that I had not known of you until I ran across your name and association with Mr. Hill when I was referencing something on the Internet. I was 14 years old when President Kennedy was assassinated and still have a vivid memory of where I was at the time. I always felt compassion for Mr. Hill because it appeared that he wondered what he could have done differently to prevent the death of President Kennedy. As a former member of the military, I certainly understand survivor’s guilt on a different level. I just wanted to comment how impressed I was with your poise and professionalism. The fact that Mr. Hill trusts you and obviously respects you speaks volumes about you as a person and as a writer. Thank you for helping document an important piece of history and for being a good friend and confidant for Mr. Hill. After reading articles and watching some of the videos on YouTube, I feel that Mr. Hill has come to terms with that tragic day and, hopefully, has more peace about it. My opinion certainly doesn’t mean much, but, I just wanted to comment and say thank you for your kindness to Mr. Hill who I consider to be a hero.
Best Regards,